Soil Biotechnology

Our principle technology for sewage and effluent treatment is Soil Biotechnology (SBT), a patented technology developed at IIT Bombay. 

Life Link has pioneered technology transfer, commercialization and outreach of SBT by designing, building and operating SBT based projects.  IIT Bombay holds the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on SBT, covered under US and Indian Patents Laws. Life Link is authorized to use SBT.

Working Principles of SBT

We are continually evolving SBT technology with every field deployment while keeping the core principle of natural system engineering of the original patent intact. Advanced Soil Biotechnology (ASBT),designed, developed and delivered by LifeLink, carries the unique imprint of this endeavour.

ASBT mimics terrestrial ecosystem functioning principles and harnesses the rock-soil geo-chemistry and soil-plant ecology to carry out biochemical transformations of both organic and inorganic pollutants for treatment of used water. ASBT process, by design, integrates with the natural bio-geochemical cycles of nature.

It removes both organic and inorganic pollutants with very high efficiency and can handle combined stream from grey, black and fecal matter in single ASBT facility. 

Organic used water is processed in an ecosystem consisting of soil-like media, bacterial culture, geophagus earthworms, natural mineral additives, and select plants. Natural mineral additives are also used as process regulators in order to archive desired treated water quality. Purification takes place by adsorption, filtration, and biological reactions. The process operates in aerobic mode, thus eliminating the possibility of foul odors.

The wastewater processing area is thus developed into a green belt, which easily integrates into any existing landscape.  The processed water can be reused in gardening and agriculture. Since dissolved oxygen levels are very high, treated water is also highly compatible with aquatic life. Water quality up-gradation for different end use applications can be achieved by suitable ASBT process design.

There are no accumulations in the system and no unwanted byproducts are produced.

Why Lifelink

Benefits of ASBT

Soil Biotechnology based solution systems stand out as a sustainable and cost-effective indigenous solution to the problem of management of wastes specific to the Indian climatic, social and environmental conditions.

Sustainable Technology
  • SBT uses only natural materials and it is 100% ecological
  • Minimal GHG footprint (No anaerobic gases emission such as CH4 and H2S)
  • SBT plants provide a green cover
  • No use of synthetic chemicals
Lower Lifecycle Cost
  • Lower operational cost in comparison to conventional technologies (25% of power consumption and 50% of operating costs of ASP)
  • Semi-skilled manpower is sufficient for operation and maintenance
  • No break down maintenance requirement and practically no downtime
Highly Efficient System
  • Can be set up as decentralized units for small capacities (such as cluster of few houses) or centralized unit for large capacities (such as township, town or city)
  • Lifespan of more than 20 years
  • No requirement of tertiary treatment such as activated carbon and sand filtration
  • 10000 times more effective in bacterial removal
  • 100 times more effective in COD removal
Minimal Handling
  • ASBT allows user start-stop mode of operation and the plant can run in intermittent mode, batch mode or continuous mode as per site conditions allowing 100% mission availability under varying conditions
  • ASBT plants can be operated well even if power is available intermittently - This feature enables plant to be operated in situations wherein due to variable load plant is operated as and when required.

Innovative Applications

Why Lifelink

Why Choose SBT

Help organizations improve sustainability ratings and ESG scores
Exceeds international environment norms
Costs effective compared to conventional technologies
Produces Bio-mineral fertilizer and soil as by products
Backed by a knowledge base developed at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)

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