November 9, 2014

Knowledge Workshop on Green CSR

There are many of you out there who are you seeking CSR solutions in the field of environment which are beyond the cosmetic tree plantation approach. […]
September 16, 2014

The Man who makes Instant Forests

Just yesterday, I was browsing through a discussion on a Linkedin group over the concern expressed in The Guardian that Greenhouse gas emissions were rising at […]
August 29, 2014

Organic Food Healthier – proves Newcastle University report

A recent scientific publication of a study by School of Agriculture Food and Rural Development (AFRD) of Newcastle University, UK, has concluded something that the advocates […]
August 25, 2014

A story behind the story

Life Link’s Soil Biotechnology (SBT) systems have been featured in Habitat supplement of The Hindu newspaper on 24 Aug 14. The article was simultaneously published in […]
August 9, 2014

Soil Biotechnology (SBT) featured in “The Hindu”

 Soil Biotechnology has been featured in “Habitat” pullout section of “The Hindu” newspaper this week (Coimbatore and Bangalore Editions). The article has been written by the […]
July 20, 2014

Life Link SBT Contributes to win Award for water conservation

ISKCON’s Govardhan Eco Village (GEV) was awarded the SKOCH Platinum Award 2013 for the Water Conservation, which included rainwater harvesting and use of Soil Biotechnology based […]
June 11, 2000

High Treated Water Quality

Treated water from SBT STP / ETP Systems are of a very high quality.
June 15, 1900

Shit, it’s profitable

We have been arguing for some time now that nutrients in the waste water should be returned to the soil and not disposed in a river […]
June 15, 1900

Vultures remarkably tolerant to Deadly Bacteria

A new study of microorganisms living on the skin and in the intestines of North America vultures has revealed that  that millions of years of eating […]

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